Arma 3 disable simulation
Arma 3 disable simulation

arma 3 disable simulation

  • Player can leave (and re-join) his current group, or become its leader.
  • Player's group members can be totally immobilized, keeping them from moving or firing.
  • Player or team members can be healed, independently from the player's equipment.
  • Switch to an enemy uniform for "undercover" missions.
  • Change to a different unit type (either keeping the current equipment, or using the new type's default loadout).
  • NEW: Basic equipment (binoculars, NVGs & GPS) can be equipped immediately (without waiting for an air-drop).
  • NEW: When respawning in MP, you can get your old equipment back.
  • Special equipment added by expansions or mods is available as well.
  • Drops can be done at your location, or at any place you specify.
  • Any equipment available to your side can be air-dropped.
  • ( Overall, you have over 60 functions, to help you customize the mission!) Here's the full list of features available in any mission (or campaign, or editor), once the module is installed: The module also helps you to overcome some problems caused by buggy scripting or engine issues, like being stuck in the terrain, uprighting vehicles, forcing team-members to actually stay where you want them, etc.
  • Would you rather play a night mission during the day, or a day mission during the night?.
  • Would you prefer to scout out an area via a UAV before going in?.
  • Are you being rushed with some tight time limits, when you would like to stroll around a bit?.
  • Are there magical bombs that drop on you whenever you step into some "forbidden" zone?.
  • Are you sent on a mission with inadequate equipment?.
  • See a vehicle that would be useful, but is locked for some reason?.
  • It gives you back the freedom to play a mission the way you want to play it. The Support Call addon allows you to modify the way any SP/MP mission (or campaign) is played. Kronzky's AddOns - SupportCall Support Call Application:

    Arma 3 disable simulation