No amount of money or goodwill could save it, and that was really frustrating. But the relationship kept deteriorating and they eventually turned on me.

I was waging war on two fronts rather successfully, my Hatakeyama vassals served me really well on the Eastern front. I recommend you guys give it a try! Seems solid and all you gotta do is unzip one file to the app folder! :) Oda Nobunaga's stache didn't prove to be a HUGE hindrance to me when I won the Grand Campaign with the Oda, so yeah I definitely agree with ya. The game's graduated from a piecemeal grab for power to a very compelling East vs West civil war. I'm playing a fresh game with this mod and my Date homeboys are sticking with me 40 turns after the Realm Divide kicked in, and we're up against the Hattori, Chikosabe, and the rest of the West. The mod also contains some minor diplomatic adjustments: financial gifts and giving away you children as hostages both have longer lasting diplomatic effects (reduction of the effects each turn is now -4 instead of -5). That way allies and factions you have good relations with may stay on your side and diplomacy doesn't become impossible after the realm divide event. Instead of a low initial diplomacy hit which adds up every turn by -5 points until you get a -200 penalty, you get a moderate initial hit (around -55 on normal difficulty) which gets reduced every turn by -4 points. Realm Divide Mod v1.0 This mod changes the realm divide event significantly. THIS MOD HERE tweaks the Realm Divide mechanic as follows: Suffice it to say that this mechanic proves vexing for those who've traditionally played Total War games this way. But Oda Nobunaga certainly didn't pave the way to a united Japan alone he had to exercise shrewd diplomacy and political maneuvering. I understand why it was implemented because without it you'd just ride on the momentum and smash everyone's faces in, especially since some castles are so close to each other that capturing two within a single stack's turn is pretty common. It makes retaining your allies impossible, and the AI stops fighting to begin a concerted effort to just crush you.

How are you duders finding the Realm Divide mechanic? It's essentially the Mongol/Timurid (or Roman Civil War) late game face rape in Shogun 2. Gaining "legendary" clan status and/or launching a bid for the shogunate by sieging Kyoto is more or less diplomatic suicide: you get a diplomacy penalty which eventually snowballs into a huge irreversible negative score.